Sky’s Gate

On the western end of the continent, where the Melira mountain range presses against the Vengeance sea, nestled amongst the peaks, a great city churns and breathes. The three huge towers alone would mark her as unique, but they are shamed by the beauty and wonder of the Marble Palace, which floats on a massive chunk of the mountain high above the ground. It is Sky’s Gate! The free city, where the world’s greatest air ships are built and traded! 

Heroes! You are about to have an adventure in this very city! For this adventure, you will all play members of the Sunguard, the royal family’s elite soldiers. You each hold the title of ‘Sky Knight’ and are the most feared and revered warriors in the city. You serve the Queen and the Sunflower Throne with loyalty and steadfastness, as a symbol of power and justice in the city. 

 Character Creation

For this adventure, you will be playing 5th Level characters with a bunch of restrictions. You are welcome to make your own characters, but I am also happy to make the sheets for less experienced players. Please read the descriptions of the classes below and let me know if you have a preference. 

We will be using Standard Human for race, with an extra feat, and point buy for stats. In addition, your Intelligence and Wisdom scores must be a minimum of 10. For class, you are restricted to Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, or Rogue. Do not try to cover all the classes; I would be thrilled if everyone picked paladin (as an example). You will have access to any mundane armor or weapons and I will likely assign some magic items as well. 


As a barbarian, you use brute force to win battles, have the toughest body, and can fly into a rage that temporarily boosts your combat prowess. Barbarians don’t wear much armor, but wield the heaviest weapons.


As a fighter, you’ve dedicated your life to learning every aspect of combat and are as versatile as you are deadly. You can take big swings with a war hammer, duel with sword and shield, or volley arrows with deadly aim. 


As a paladin, you’ve been chosen by a deity to serve as their Holy Knight in the world, embodying their values and fighting the evils of the world. You are able to channel divine energies into your strike in battle or through your hands to heal your companions.


As a ranger, you have spent your life learning the art of tracking and navigating. You’re a formidable fighter and have the patience to wait out your target, following them for as long as it takes to bring them to justice.


Every elite squad needs a sniper, and you know the tricks for exploiting the openings your enemies expose as your companions distract them in battle. A quick duck behind a corner, and you’re ready to put a crossbow bolt in their neck dealing huge, often fatal, damage.

There are two deities that are commonly worshiped and would work for Paladins or anyone else who wishes to have a strong religious alignment. The chief deity of Sky’s Gate is Aurora, the Goddess of Fire, Sun, Law & Light. Her husband, Myron, is the God of Sky, Air, Good, and Knowledge.

The Oath

I swear my sword for the protection of The Sunflower Queen and Her city for as long as I breathe 

I swear to do good as I judge it and uphold the law in all my actions

For the Queen & Aurora, For Ever

A History

Sky’s Gate was established in the mythic past when high concentrations of a mineral called Lodestone was discovered in the riverside peak; a miracle material capable of sustaining levitation magic for indefinite periods. The city was claimed by various kings over time, but eventually won independence when Sera Fireblade fought off Norlander conquerors and established the Matriarchy, becoming the first Sun Queen.

The city’s most striking feature is the Marble Palace. Carved from the solid capstone of the mountain peak that once stood on the site of the city, the Palace sits 1000ft above the city and is tethered by several thick ropes. Before the the liberation by Sera Fireblade, the entire mountain cap was enchanted with levitation by the Council of Sky - a defunct magic society. Once airborne, the Palace was carved by hired Dwarves from the mountains. It is considered a Wonder of the World.

Sky’s Gate, because of the Lodestone resource mine, produces all of the world’s airships. The Airships are designed to be weight neutral with maneuvering accomplished using air forces. Ballast is added and removed at the start of every flight needing careful calculation. In addition, ballast is always included to enable emergency assent. To descend, load stone can be released, bu this is abhorred. 

The Flag of Sky’s Gate

The Royal Family

Today, Queen Romily III is aged and her daughter, the Crowned Princess Finella prepares to ascend to the Sunflower Throne & become Sun Queen Sera V. 

The Flag of the Prince of Sky’s Gate

Prince Paris is much younger than his sister (she is 31 and he is 20). He has just returned from his second outing with the Sky Navy, training to take his place as Admiral of the Sky, protecting the interests of Sky’s Gate and the Throne. He is slender, but a worthy warrior, as his training has prepared him to be. 

The royal children lost their father to a fall seven years ago and the Queen has not re-married.

The Flag of the Sunguard

The Sunguard are usually a small group, rarely more than 6 members. There are often members in training who are called the Queen’s Squire, but they are not guaranteed a place among the guard, and powerful and loyal fighters from other organizations in the city are occasionally elevated to the guard. The Sunguard are lead by the Sunburst Archknight. This position is currently held by Ophelia Sunsaber - they rarely leave the Palace, unless the Queen is traveling.

In addition, there are many other important organizations in the city, such as the Council of Mages, the Merchant Elite, the Miner’s Guild, the Shipwrights Guild, and the Gate Guard, who patrol and protect the city on the ground as police.